As a very wise woman once said (Laura from Project Runway to be exact), “It is a slippery slope to sweatpants and a mini-van.” Thankfully, I have not yet made it to the bottom of that slope, but I can see it clearly from my kitchen window.
So what does a girl do when, after years of priding herself on her minty vintage frocks & Lucite box purses finds herself in jeans with a diaper bag over one shoulder and baby in tow?
Hence the name, BombshellShocked. I believe it a fitting name for a formerly cute rockabilly girl who looked in the mirror one morning and couldn’t figure out what the hell happened to her fashion sense.
Although the era of the 1950’s glorified motherhood, it did not embrace breastfeeding and clothing was not based upon comfort. I am determined to combine the rockabilly style with ease of movement, breast accessibility, and the ability to get fully dressed within my toddler’s attention span. It isn’t easy, but isn’t impossible either.
Yes, ladies, I am determined to have it all!